“…the Lord hates…a lying tongue, and … a false witness who breathes out lies…” Proverbs 6:16-19
A hoax is a purposeful lie with the intention to deceive another. The idea that climate change is a crisis is a hoax. It’s a purposeful lie and it has a life of its own. The narrative purposely creates unnecessary fear to gain influence. Why? There are two ways to answer. Why does the left use science to support this lie? And why is it important to so many? In other words, what is the motivation?
The Climate Science
The left has also corrupted the understanding of the scientific method. The scientific method includes four steps: 1) Develop a hypothesis (make a prediction e.g. rising temperatures are due to human activity and CO2 levels). 2) Collect data to test the hypothesis. 3) Analyze the data asking, does it confirm or contradict the hypothesis? 4) Decide to continue to accept the hypothesis if the data confirms it or change the hypothesis if the data contradicts it. The left has corrupted step #4 for the purpose of influence.
The scientific method is an enduring loop (never ends). One of the first lies in the climate hoax is there is “scientific consensus”. All this means is the current scientific organizations (such as NASA and/or NOAA) agree the data shows the earth is warming. It doesn’t mean it will lead to a crisis. This is a lie by omission and influences those who are ignorant of how the scientific method works. The left exaggerates the analysis using flawed models.
Perhaps there is a consensus that the earth’s temperature is rising. There is NO consensus that it’s caused by human activity or caused by rising CO2 levels. (CO2 Coalition, 2021)
We exhale CO2 and CO2 is necessary for life in part because it promotes healthy vegetation. Would God create a world where the gas we exhale would potentially kill us? Would nature? Besides that, there are at least two important benefits for rising CO2 and rising temperatures.
First, more people have perished from extreme cold weather than extreme hot weather. Second, high levels of CO2 enhance the growth of vegetation which makes food more plentiful. We can’t live without CO2. The good news is there has been a slow warming of temperatures for 300 years from a mini-ice age in 15th century. (Alley)
“According to Dr. Clauser, “The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people.” (CO2 Coalition, 2021)
Why does the scientific community agree that the globe is warming? It’s because it is. But, when you give the full picture, you realize the rise in temperature in the context of history show there is no connection to human industrial activity and creation of CO2. (CO2 Coalition, 2021)
Scientists can agree the globe is warming but it’s still much cooler than it’s been for the past 2,000 years. (CO2 Coalition, 2021) And there is no correlation between the rising temperature and CO2 levels. (CO2 Coalition, 2021)
The Motivation
The left wants power, and they are using the climate hoax as a strategy to increase power and influence over people and organizations. Tyranny is an oppressive or severe form of government. It’s an unrestrained use of authority or power. (Legal Dictionary, n.d.) The left wants tyranny for a very good intention. The left thinks they can help everyone (create an opportunity economy) by creating a utopia. They truly believe they can create a “garden of Eden” if they can just control the country and control people.
The left sees their cause as justified because their intention is so pure. The left uses the idea “the ends (utopia) justify the means” (lying). It’s OK to lie because utopia, when achieved, will be great for everyone.
The Results
Al Gore predicted (his hypothesis) our oceans would rise 20 feet because of Climate Change. At the time he called it Global Warming. (Braun, 2023) The data contradicted his hypothesis. Did he modify it? No. He has continued to promote the crisis. He is NOT following the scientific method. He’s lying.
Fear of climate change has caused politicians to fund the Green New Deal. This overspending by the government has caused inflation to jump 20% or more on nearly every product we buy from 2021 to today (2024).
Whales are dying because of offshore wind turbines. (Killough, 2024)
The left is pushing an electric vehicle mandate, in part, to “save the climate”. This policy is making our number one adversary (China) wealthier while threatening our national security. China controls up to 80% of the raw materials needed for electric vehicle batteries.
In addition, the Biden-Harris administration electrification push (to fight climate change) has significantly increased household electricity costs. (Klinsky, 2024)
Climate change is a natural event. The climate crisis is and the current messaging by the left around it is a hoax. The left conveniently leaves out relevant information (lies by omission). It’s a hoax because the current data contradicts their hypothesis, and they refuse to use the scientific method to modify their hypothesis by ignoring contradictions. They justify this by attempting to achieve an impossible goal of utopia on earth. A case can be made that the left’s intentions are good. But lies lead to misery and God hates lies and hates liars who stir up conflict and fear in the community.
Works Cited
Alley, R. (n.d.). GISP2 - Temperature Reconstruction and Accumulation Data. Retrieved from https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/metadata/landing-page/bin/iso?id=noaa-icecore-2475
Braun, K. (2023, February 13). Al Gore’s 30 Years of Climate Errors: An Anniversary Analysis. Retrieved from https://capitalresearch.org/: https://capitalresearch.org/article/al-gores-30-years-of-climate-errors-part-3/
CO2 Coalition. (2021, October 31). “97% Consensus” — What Consensus? Retrieved from https://co2coalition.org/: https://co2coalition.org/2021/10/31/97-consensus-what-consensus/Killough, K. (2024, November 1). Offshore wind opponents say federal agencies’ reports acknowledge offshore wind harms to whales.https://justthenews.com/, pp. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/offshore-wind-opponents-say-federal-agencies-reports-acknowledge-offshore?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter. Retrieved from https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/offshore-wind-opponents-say-federal-agencies-reports-acknowledge-offshore?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/offshore-wind-opponents-say-federal-agencies-reports-acknowledge-offshore?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter
Klinsky, O. (2024, October 29). ‘Climate Extremism’: Biden-Harris Admin’s Own Data Undermines Its Push to ‘Electrify Everything’. Retrieved from https://www.dailysignal.com/: https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/10/29/climate-extremism-biden-harris-admins-own-data-undermines-its-push-to-electrify-everything/?utm_source=TDS_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=MorningBell
Legal Dictionary. (n.d.). Legal Dictionary. Retrieved from https://legaldictionary.net/: https://legaldictionary.net/tyranny/